Threads (2017)

“Build a story line by line.
Build a song rhyme on rhyme.
Build a life on the sands of time.
Build a dream with me.”

That is how you build an album as well.
This is my 25th recording and, as always, it took
“a leap of faith and some follow through.”

THREADS seems a good metaphor for the strands of song that have come together to make up this recording. My late mother Elspeth Hart, a wonderful needlework artist throughout her long and productive life, created the artwork that graces the cover. These songs are a snapshot of where my head and heart have traveled this past year or so. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Tom Chapin, Spring 2017

“What an extraordinary song from a guy who has been giving birth to extraordinary songs for well over half a century. Tom Chapin’s That’s What Grandpas Do
Bob Sherman, Host of Woody’s Children, WFUV-FM, 1/1/17

Press Release

CD Lyrics

CD Credits

Front Cover Art

Back Cover Art


Build A Dream
When The Family Sings
Fair Pay Fair Play Blues
Julia Ward Howe (A Mother's Day For Peace)
Money Out Of Misery
Home Again (Forster & Dorothy)
That's What Grandpas Do
Song For Elspeth
Talk To Your Baby
Here Is A Song For You
Willa Won't Ya
Any Old Kind Of Day
We Will Not Stop


Tour Schedule






© 1997 - 2017 Sundance Music Inc.
100 Cedar Street, Suite # B-19, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 (914) 674-0247
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