Make A Wish:
Tom Chapin hosted the children's show "Make A Wish" on ABC TV from 1971-1976.
Unfortunately, these shows are not available on video.
Family Show vs. Adult Show: Family Shows are ideally suited for children aged 4-12
(and parents and grandparents!). These are the songs your kids know.
Tom will sing songs from his award-winning family recordings. Adult Shows contain music from Tom's Grownup recordings,
and will most likely include a mix of original songs, a traditional song
or two, a few kid's songs and a couple of Harry Chapin songs.
The material is not off-color, but the topics may not capture the interest
of children.
Come Travel With Me:
This cassette is a compilation of Tom's songs which was made available to Chrysler owners. It was never commercially released, so we don't carry it and you won't find it in the stores. Every now and then one shows up on eBay. All of the songs on this cassette appear on Tom's other recordings, so you can download each of the songs.
Lord of the Flies:
There is a child actor in the movie named Tom Chapin
however, it is a different person.
Harry Chapin:
Yes, Tom is Harry's younger brother.
Split Track recordings are not available.